Meditation in College— the First Time I Meditated

I remember a time when I was sitting around my dorm room with a few of my friends. We had decided that we were going to learn to meditate.

Back in those days there weren’t “meditation classes” or online courses that you could take!

Meditation with Eileen Marder-Mirman the Meditating Metropolitan Mama

So, we sat down on the floor on a pillow and we took out the Book “Zen Mind Beginners Mind” by Suzuki Roshi (he brought meditation to the west-San Francisco Zen Center).

We had no idea what we were doing! We just closed our eyes and hoped that something would happen.

I remember thinking… “am i doing this right?... Am I actually meditating??”

I thought that meditation meant my mind was thought free…

Of course I wasn’t successful in getting rid of my mind or my thoughts. Today I know it’s not about having an empty mind. More to come on that…

Do you remember the first time you meditated?